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Friday, January 14, 2011

The Social Media Myth

You need a social media strategy.
That is the myth.
Simple as that – it's a damn myth that you need a social media strategy. What you need a customer relations strategy that answers these questions.
  1. How will you find out what your customers want?
  2. How can you communicate with your customers more often?
  3. How can you get feedback on existing practices?
  4. How do you increase brand awareness?
Keep the result in mind as much as the process!

Social media can be used for each of these things but when you describe the strategy in terms of the vehicle rather than the ultimate goal you've already lost the game. Do you call it a magazine strategy or a communications strategy? Unless you're a complete marketing hack you'll refer to any magazine advertising as part of your comms strategy, because it makes up a subset – just like social media does. So many companies are popping up on facebook, twitter, youtube, you name it! But do any of them actually know WHY they're doing it?
I love social media, I really do, because you get to connect with your customers. But every single social media activity I've taken part in: the goal is to give and receive information. You invite customers to follow you, you offer them sales incentives or tips, hints and information on your products and events. You might even give advice on related activities or companies you're involved with. In exchange you get feedback, knowledge and if the experience for all is pleasant enough, a boost in brand equity and loyalty. You also do this alongside your e-mail marketing, your old-school advertising (if you still do it) and tie it in with your PR goals.
Another myth:

Social media is free.

Nope, it definitely is it. Why is it that people never factor in time as a cost? Time = money, especially if employees are spending it on social media. You need to consider the benefit of social media and weigh it up against the other activities you're doing. Think about your customer demographic – are they suited to social media or should you stick to more traditional styles? Can you get valuable feedback on social sites or is your marketing team lacking someone who knows how to drive it efficiently?

  You can get so much out of social media if it's done properly, but you'll be spinning your wheels in the mud unless you know what you're trying to achieve.


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